RMS Library Media Center
The library coordinates a reading incentive program called "RMS Reads!" where students #READLIKEAGALE". Our reading incentive program pairs with the district-wide reading campaign “RSD Reads.” This is a reading campaign that encompasses everything we do to encourage reading and the love of literacy in our building and district-wide. It is used as a hashtag, “#rmsreads” and “#rsdreads”
Our RMS Library reading incentive program is live and ready for students to start participating! Here is how it works!
Students read a novel of their choice and then talk to a staff member about that book, they fill out a book talk slip, and then turn it in to the RMS Librarian.
Each time students complete a book talk, they earn points for their Survivor team! If they read a monthly featured book, they get entered into a raffle to win additional prizes!!