RMS Library Media Center

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READS Incentive

Monthly Challenges


The library coordinates a reading incentive program called "RMS Reads!" where students #READLIKEAGALE". Our reading incentive program pairs with the district-wide reading campaign “RSD Reads.” This is a reading campaign that encompasses everything we do to encourage reading and the love of literacy in our building and district-wide. It is used as a hashtag, “#rmsreads” and “#rsdreads”

Our RMS Library reading incentive program is live and ready for students to start participating! Here is how it works!

Students read a novel of their choice and then talk to a staff member about that book, they fill out a book talk slip, and then turn it in to the RMS Librarian.

Each time students complete a book talk, they earn points for their Survivor team! If they read a monthly featured book, they get entered into a raffle to win additional prizes!!

Meet the Library Media Specialist

Photo of Mrs. Isabelle Luna

Mrs. Isabelle Luna, Library Media Specialist

Welcome to the Russellville Middle School Library! We consider our library the "HEART"  of the school. RMS students visit the library through their English, History, and Science classes on a monthly rotation; however, the library is open for students to use each day, as long as students have the appropriate teacher pass to visit. Students learn about a variety of skills that will help them be successful in future grades. 

Once a month, during one of the English class visits, we offer a Book Talk Coffee Shop to our students. Students love to visit our coffee shop for hot cocoa, cappuccino, or apple cider ($1.00 each) to enjoy during their library visit.

The mission of the RMS Library Media Center is to provide every student and teacher with knowledge, skills, guidance, and opportunities to effectively and regularly utilize print and digital resources to promote curiosity, discovery, and a life-long love for reading.

Library Information: 

Library Instagram Information

SORA & Overdrive - Ebook opportunities' for students

Checkout Policies

Smart Pass and Hour Information