About Smart Start Mondays
RSD schools begin one hour later on Mondays to provide instructional staff time to plan and collaborate on instructional practices for remediation or acceleration based on student needs.

“Teachers will be collaborating to analyze student data to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the students they currently teach and make adjustments in instruction to meet student needs. This is a student focused initiative aimed at improving and maintaining high levels of academic achievement. I teach 5 different types of classes and have to prepare 25 different lessons each week. I’m thankful the District has allotted this time to ensure that those lessons meet my students' needs." - Ethan Hodge, Computer Science Teacher at Russellville High School
RSD staff communicated the need for more protected time for collaboration on instructional practices and implementations for student success.
The District determined Monday Mornings to be the best fit due to prior experience in early release times and feedback from additional Districts. Monday Mornings are best in order to prevent complications in:
Afternoon transportation
Afternoon practices
Instructional minutes requirements
Teacher schedules
Prior to launching Smart Start Mondays, the plan was presented to:
Personnel Policy Committee (PPC)
RSD Board of Education
Certified Staff Members
Strategic Planning Meeting Attendees
Staff Feedback:
District leaders attended staff meetings during the Spring 2024 semester to give staff the opportunity to answer feedback cards regarding Smart Start Mondays at each building.
Staff were asked to answer the following questions:
What needs to continue to ensure Smart Start Mondays are beneficial in your building?
What does not need to continue to ensure Smart Start Mondays are beneficial in your building?
In June, RSD Building Leaders met with District leaders to review the Smart Start Mondays feedback cards from each school. Overall, staff responded with appreciation for the dedicated collaboration time and the focus on student data and growth. The top request was to provide time for specialists and interventionists to collaborate. Building leaders are working to develop a plan to provide opportunities to do so districtwide.
The feedback regarding the changes needed varied at each building and building leaders will be working to ensure staff needs are met as the new year begins.
Community Information Sessions
The District hosted 4 days of community information sessions and 1 virtual session to provide families with information regarding Smart Start Mondays. A review video of all the information presented at the information sessions can be viewed below.