To ensure the Promise of the RSD Graduate, RSD focuses on Collaboration through Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Relationships through Capturing Kids' Hearts (CKH), and Measurement through High-Reliability Schools (HRS).


Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

The 3 Big Ideas of a PLC :

Focus on Learning | Focus on Collaboration | Focus on Results

RSD Educators will work collaboratively to address student learning obstacles and measure teaching effectiveness based on results. PLCs will remain committed to ensuring all students acquire the essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions of each unit, course, and grade level. Through RSD's district-wide initiative, this model will become seamless from the boardroom to the classroom.


Capturing Kids' Hearts

Rsd believed that relationships are of utmost importance. every RSD Staff member has been trained in relational practices through capturing kids' hearts (CKH) which focuses on the process through which adults and children acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Through CKH, RSD will continue to empower students to lead with heart and equip students with the skills necessary to be strong members of society.


High Reliability Schools

Marzano's HighReliability Schools framework shows how best practices work together. HRS provides indicators to empower our schools to measure progress on attaining five levels of reliability. RSD will use this framework and indicators to drive a permanent, positive, and significant impact on student achievement.

High Reliability Schools Levels

Level 1 : Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture

Level 2 : Effective Teaching in Every Classroom

Level 3 : Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Level 4 : Standards-Referenced Reporting

Level 5 : Competency-Based Education

Collaboration | Relationships | Measurement

More Videos on RSD's Three Focuses Below