Hello RSD families and community members,
\r\nThe Arkansas Department of Education’s Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has released the 2022 state and federal accountability scores for Arkansas Public Schools. These reports are designed to obtain a snapshot of student performance. Reports are located in My School Info and include the Public School Rating (Accountability At-a-Glance), ESSA School Index, and School Report Card.
\r\nThis is the first time in three years that schools have received letter grades since the Arkansas Legislature granted a pause on issuing letter grades for 2020 and 2021.
\r\nRussellville School District (RSD) is proud these reports show all RSD secondary schools obtained a School Value Added Growth score of at least 80 which indicates students are meeting and/or exceeding expected growth in achievement. Many RSD elementary schools showed an increase in student achievement as well as grade-level reading.
\r\nThe scores for each school are calculated based on weighted indicators including, achievement, growth of English learners' progress in English language proficiency, graduation rates, and student success. These scores do not measure individual students or teachers nor do they measure student achievement in subjects other than English language arts, math, and science. For more information on these scores please visit the Arkansas Department of Education at this link: https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Files/2022__state_federal_accountability_reports_for_schools_released_COMM.pdf.
\r\nThe School Report Card consists of 18 modules that provide in-depth information including achievement and growth data, graduation rates, teacher quality, school environment, and more. Educators, parents, students, and the community can use the School Report Card to discuss strengths and examine opportunities for improvement. 2022 School Report Cards will be released in two phases beginning December 31, 2022.
\r\nFor more information regarding these scores, go to https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Offices/public-school-accountability/school-performance-and-monitoring/report-card
\r\nRSD’s Plan Moving Forward:
\r\nRSD currently has plans in place to bridge gaps in student achievement and remove barriers to student learning. These plans include a focus on building relationships through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts framework, developing collaboration strategies with Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and ensuring accountability with the High-Reliability Schools framework.
\r\nThe District will be addressing deficiencies in many ways including but not limited to evaluating attendance data, tracking reading levels, providing opportunities for credit recovery, and developing a Districtwide structure to address interventions based on formative assessments.
\r\nRSD remains committed to student success and will continue to move forward in addressing the needs of every student.
\r\nDr. Ginni McDonald
\r\nRussellville School District Superintendent