Our January SOM is Abigail Greggs and she was nominated by Mrs. Vaughn and here is what Mrs. Vaughn had to say about Abigail: "She is an NJHS officer and took control of collecting toys for Crawford Elementary students for our annual NJHS toy drive. She started collecting money during a meeting from NJHS members and went out and shopped for toys. We ended up sending tons of toys over for Crawford Elementary!"
Our January EOM is Kim Moore and she was nominated by Coach WIlliams and here is what Coach Williams had to say about Mrs. Moore: "Kim Moore is an amazing teacher who can motivate students, keep them on track, and keep them interested all at the same time. I love to watch her interactions as she is calmly but persuasively guiding students in the right direction. She is always ready to step in and help any teacher who needs help, a hug, or just someone to vent to. She is committed to RJHS and everyone in the building. I am a huge fan personally and professionally of Ms. Moore and realize how very lucky we are to have her with us."
We are so PROUD to call the two WHIRLWINDS!!!