RJHS parents and guardians,
Welcome back to the 2021-22 school year! We had a great first day and are looking forward to a GREAT year!
Your student should be coming home with a lot of important papers today, so please collect these and fill out the appropriate forms. In addition to papers from individual teachers, your child should come home with 2 packets:
1. The "normal" packet you receive every school year. This packet has three sections. The first section contains 3 forms that are required to return back to school:
- the 2021-22 Parent Acknowledgement and Permission form
- the Russellville Student Medical Information Form
- the FERPA consent form (the front is just a description letter, but the back needs to be filled out and signed)
The second section contains forms that you will fill out and return ONLY if they are applicable to you. Since you are receiving this email, you do not need to return the page from me about the parent newsletter. The third section contains papers that you just keep.
2. A COVID-19 vaccine clinic packet. If your student has not received the vaccine and you would like them to, please read and fill out these forms and return them to school prior to Friday's clinic. If you have any questions about this information, please contact our school nurse by calling the school (968-1599) or emailing her at chrystal.hall@rsdk12.net.
If your child has not received a school-issued laptop yet, they will need to return the signed computer-use agreement form to school tomorrow so they can be issued one.
Please help your child remember to charge their school computer at home every evening and to bring it to school every day.
**It will take me a few weeks to get new email addresses entered, so I will not send out my first official parent newsletter until then.
-Terra Hale
RJHS 9th grade Honors Advanced Geometry & Algebra I Teacher
Parent Involvement Coordinator