Our Student of the month is Michael Sells. Michael was nominated by Mrs. Statham and here is what she had to say about him:
\r\nMichael Sells is a very unique student. He goes out of his way to assist with holding a door open for his peers from the pad at the start of school and after lunch has ended EVERY SINGLE DAY. He greets adults each morning during duty and checks in with them. This isn't a simple hello. He asks specific questions and you can tell that he really cares about the adults in this building as well as his peers. During each interaction I've had and observed, Michael has been incredibly kind to everyone he comes in contact with. I am excited to nominate this young man for the student of the month! He has such a glow and you walk away with a smile after visiting with him. I'm so glad we have Michael in our building this year!
\r\nOur employee of the month is Mrs. Hannah Edgell. Mrs. Edgell was nominated by Mrs. Luna and here is what she had to say:
\r\nThis is a teacher that is always working around the clock to help other teachers and students. She has spent countless hours making her classroom inviting, and her lessons engaging while also working on her master's degree. She has so much passion, patience, and love for these kids it shows every time she walks in the room. She also always has a smile and kind words for everyone she comes across. She has also worked alongside the librarian to support student reading incentives while interning in the counselor's office as well. I love that she is establishing a sense of love for literacy and reading inside and outside her classroom. Not only has she made an impact in her classroom, but she is such a hard worker. I'm so glad I get to teach with her because she does this all for the sake of her students, without seeking recognition or praise. She has the best intentions when it comes to creating a positive culture for student learning and literacy.
\r\nCongratulations to you both!