September Employee and Student of the Month
Robyn Sanders is the September Employee of the Month! She teaches 9th grade Special Education. She was nominated by a fellow staff member, Misty Talley. She had wonderful things to say about Mrs. Sanders! In her nomination she wrote, "This lady has it together! She works from bell to bell and knows what she is doing. The students respect her and she respects them back. Her job is stressful because she is with the same students for most of the day. Hats off to her! She has made my job, as a regular teacher, much easier."
Gracie Campbell is the September Student of the Month! She is a 9th grader and the daughter of Craig and Connie Campbell. She was nominated by Janie Duvall and Coach Cindy Williams. They had great things to say about Gracie in their nomination! They said "She is one of the kindest students in RJHS. She will take care of someone who she sees is feeling left out. Gracie is a natural leader and can change the whole attitude of those around her. She is always ready to tackle any assignment you ask of her. She is definitely the kind of person to represent RJHS as student of the month!
RJHS wants to say a big congratulations to Mrs. Sanders and Gracie Campbell!