Congratulations to our October Student and Employee of the Month!
Our RJHS October Student of the Month is Kimberly Nava! She is a 9th grader at RJHS. She was nominated by Sarah Shamsie and here is what she had to say about Kimberly:
"Kimberly has shown great growth in her behavior and academics throughout her time here at RJHS. She has a HUGE heart for others. One example of her big heart is that she sits with a special needs student every day at lunch. She speaks with him every day and encourages him when he does a good deed. She is making great decisions that aren't easy but will benefit her future plans. Kimberly would be an excellent student to represent RJHS."
Our RJHS October Employee of the Month is Ronda Khamsourivong! She is the Library Clerk Typist and she was nominated by Bri Riley and Amy Covey! Here is what they had to say about Ronda:
"I wasn't sure who to nominate and so I asked my class who to nominate and without hesitation the majority of the class said “Mrs. Ronda!!! Mrs. Ronda from the Library! We love her!” They all mentioned how she makes everyone feel welcome, even the "bad" kids. One student in particular said, "I know if I'm having a bad day I can go to Mrs. Ronda and she will give me a big ole hug and my day will be better instantly.” One student said, “I wasn’t the best student last year and I’ve been trying harder this year and Mrs. Ronda tells me how proud of me she is every time she sees me. She really is one of the reasons I try so hard, I don’t want to let her down.” So, on behalf of my third period class, we nominate Mrs. Ronda! We all know Ronda is a safe place for so many of our students, but if you haven't already caught on, she is THE safe place for employees as well. My best friend is a friend to every person. Her heart is so big, she tries to fix everything for everybody. If you need a shoulder, an ear, or a hug she is there!"
Congrats Whirlwinds!