This week at RMS:
Tues., Aug. 29 - Volleyball at Vilonia 4pm
Wedn., Aug. 30 - Volleyball vs. Atkins 4:30 pm
Thurs., Aug. 31 - Volleyball at Greenbrier 4pm
Stay connected with RMS.
6th grade quiz bowl imformation meeting. Tuesday August 29th.
RMS band parent information meeting. Thursday night 7-8pm. RMS band room.
RMS Eclipse 2017
What does the #eclipse2017 mean to you?
RMS teachers are ready for the eclipse.
Go Gales! #cycloneextravaganza2017
Come & support our RSD athletes as they participate in the 3rd annual Cyclone Extravaganza. #gogales
Our 6th grade students are having an amazing Friday! #gogales #learningisfun #languageartsrocks
Join us for the 3rd annual Cyclone Extravaganza tomorrow beginning at 9:00am with a 5K.
Mrs. Lamberson's advisory class has such a bright future, they have to wear shades.
RMS Solar Eclipse 2017: On Monday, our students will have a specific lesson each period regarding the eclipse then will view it with protective eye wear between 1-1:30 during maximum viewing time.
Come out and support the Gales, Whirlwinds and Cyclones this Sunday at Stoby's for a $5 all you can eat pancake breakfast!
RSD students are encouraged to use caution when traveling to school this morning. If necessary, the district will excuse any tardies this morning due to flooding.
We had a great first day of school today! Way to go students, parents, teachers, administration, and staff! #gogales #wearyourredsunglasses
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RMS teachers having fun before school starts on Monday! #weRready
RMS Teachers enjoyed a morning mix of work and play. #howmanytwinkiescanyoueat? #whoisyourJT?