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Recently Hired RMS Teacher Nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year Award
RMS Science Symposium Participants
Mrs. Taylor's Garden Club visits Marlow's Happy Horseshoe Farm
RMS Students Compete in the Garver Chain Reaction Challenge at the State Capitol
Girls 2019-2020 Volleyball and Basketball Tryouts
Kaytlynn Cartegena with her book and autographed book mark.
Russellville Middle Schooler, Natalie Saenz, was selected as a runner-up in the Altice USA Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest.
Cyclone Extravaganza 2018
The 7th grade Social Studies classes raised over $2,600 for Water for South Sudan
7th Grade students to raise money for
Russellville School District accepting G/T Program Referrals
Ms. Cross, Certified Google Education Certified Educator
Twitter Town Hall Event
RMS Tutoring Starts September 11th.
2017-18 RMS Registration Information
RMS Students Participate in Russvegas 5k Glow Run