For all K-8th grade RSD students wanting to learn more about soccer.
This is for rising 8th grade RMS students.
RSD will have a Drive-Thru Meal Pick-Up Tomorrow, Friday, February 25, at Russellville Junior High School from 2-4:00 p.m. Please help share with those families who would benefit!
We really hope to see you next week at Parent Night!
Congratulations to the RMS Spelling Bee Winners.
1st- Abbigale Wilson
2nd- Colten Breedlove
3rd- Jonathan Vaughan
Congratulations to December Employee of the Month Nurse Megan Williams, and Student of the Month Adeline Melton.
December Calendar of Events and Home Games
The RMS Gales want to give back this holiday season by helping the Russellville Animal Shelter. Will you please help us?
Congratulations to RMS Teacher of the month Mr. Alan Ball and Student of the month Grace Olson.
Congratulations to 7th grade RMS student, Adyn Ashander for earning 3rd place overall in points in 7th grade middle school students, Level 1 this season
RMS November dates to remember.
Adyn is a two-sport athlete, competing in both Cross Country and Mountain Biking!
Congratulations to our RMS Cross Country Team who competed in the recent Junior High Conference Championships!
Thank you to our amazing PTO volunteers and the Streett family for providing dinner and snacks for teachers during last night’s Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Another great week of learning at RMS.
Ms. Reidmueller’s class conducting research.
Mr. Daily’s 7th grade science classes learned about Atoms by singing the “Atoms Family”Song.
The first nine weeks have come to a close at RMS. Our teacher and staff are amazing. We work hard each day to provide our students with opportunities for learning academically, socially, and emotionally.
Did you know that having a “Pet Rock” in your class was a thing? Mr. Daily’s class was identifying and classifying rocks in his classes today.
Did you know that having a “Pet Rock” in your class was a thing? Mr. Daily’s class was identifying and classifying rocks in his classes today.
Did you know that having a “Pet Rock” in your class was a thing? Mr. Daily’s class was identifying and classifying rocks in his classes today.